Asking "never have I ever" questions is one of the most infamous and fun party games of all. From summer camp, to college parties, and even in the workplace. But the trick to winning "never have I ever" is to never do anything – so to speak.

Never Have I Ever Questions

Need a different conversational game? Try these Would You Rather Questions.

Maybe you know it as "never have I ever," "I never," or "ten fingers." But no matter the name, the rules remain the same. And you don't need much to play it. Just a few friends and you'll be all set.

While experience typically gets you farther in life, that's not the case when playing "never have I ever." In fact, the less you've done the better chance you have of winning this popular party game.

Although it seems simple enough in theory, "never have I ever" can be quite a challenge when you're on the spot. So, to help you maintain a nice flow of questions, we're giving you 180 of the best "never have I ever" questions.

Looking for something specific? Jump to your favorite category of "never have I ever" questions:

  • 50 Good "Never Have I Ever" Questions
  • 25Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions
  • 25Funny "Never Have I Ever" Questions
  • 30 "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Teens
  • 30 "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adult Sensibilities
  • 20 "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Couples
  • How to Play "Never Have I Ever"

50 Good "Never Have I Ever" Questions

Good Never Have I Ever Questions

Are you wondering what makes good "never have I ever" questions? Well, the best options come from the most basic of activities or life events.

Related Reading: Questions to Ask Friends

Because the more monotonous something is, the higher the likelihood others in the room have done it before. Therefore, if any of these suggested questions apply to your life, you'll be sure to win. You might be surprised too, as these basic questions can help you get to know even your best friend a little bit better.

1. Never have I ever flown on an airplane.

2. Never have I ever gone on a cruise.

3. Never have I ever had to get stitches.

4. Never have I ever gone on a zipline.

5. Never have I ever flown in a helicopter.

6. Never have I ever seen the aurora borealis.

7. Never have I ever been to NYC.

8. Never have I ever seen a shooting star.

9. Never have I ever met a celebrity.

10. Never have I ever had a pet.

11. Never have I ever had food poisoning.

12. Never have I ever gone bungee jumping.

13. Never have I ever been skydiving.

14. Never have I ever farted in front of my crush.

15. Never have I ever flown a kite.

16. Never have I ever got a tattoo.

17. Never have I ever pierced my ears.

18. Never have I ever pierced something other than my ears.

19. Never have I ever climbed a mountain.

20. Never have I ever lied about who I was.

21. Never have I ever been skiing.

22. Never have I ever been on a cross country road trip.

23. Never have I ever caused a car accident.

24. Never have I ever been to a drive-in theater.

25. Never have I ever been on a movie set.

26. Never have I ever fired a gun.

27. Never have I ever ridden a hoverboard.

28. Never have I ever owned an iPhone/Android.

29. Never have I ever gone scuba diving.

30. Never have I ever had a cavity.

31. Never have I ever gotten surgery.

32. Never have I ever had a concussion.

33. Never have I ever needed glasses.

34. Never have I ever run a 5k.

35. Never have I ever been in a physical fight.

36. Never have I ever dyed my hair.

37. Never have I ever sung karaoke.

38. Never have I ever yelled at someone in public.

39. Never have I ever performed on stage at a talent show.

40. Never have I ever eaten fast food for every meal throughout an entire day.

41. Never have I everplayed strip poker.

42. Never have I everbeen on a blind date.

43. Never have I evergiven a stranger my phone number.

44. Never have I ever stayed up all night playing video games.

45. Never have I everpretended to be someone else on a phone call.

46. Never have I everpeed my pants because I laughed so hard.

47. Never have I evergotten a tattoo and regretted it.

48. Never have I everdropped my phone in the toilet.

49. Never have I evertaken pictures of someone without them knowing.

50. Never have I evergot lucky in a public place.

25 Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions

Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty

One of the best parts of playing this popular party game is how revealing the answers can be. So, why not take it to the next level with some ultra revealing dirty questions.

Of course, these are definitely NSFW. But that's half the fun. Depending on the company, you might not be able to ask these appropriately; but one day you will–so be prepared!

51. Never have I ever hooked up with a friend's sibling.

52. Never have I ever shopped at a sex store.

53. Never have I ever given someone oral sex.

54. Never have I ever had sex in public.

55. Never have I ever kissed my friend.

56. Never have I ever participated in strip twister.

57. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.

58. Never have I ever received oral sex.

59. Never have I ever hooked up on a boat.

60. Never have I ever been to a strip club.

61. Never have I ever accidentally sent nudes to the wrong person.

62. Never have I ever looked at porn.

63. Never have I ever taken body shots.

64. Never have I ever been in an open relationship.

65. Never have I ever hooked up with another person playing this game.

66. Never have I ever been given a hickey.

67. Never have I ever had sex in a swimming pool.

68. Never have I ever slept with a coworker.

69. Never have I ever been too drunk to hook up with someone.

70. Never have I ever tried using a sex toy.

71. Never have I evertried Kama Sutra sex positions.

72. Never have I ever cheated on my partner for sex with someone else.

73. Never have I ever had sex with more than one person at once.

74. Never have I ever pretended to have an orgasm.

75. Never have I ever worn clothes of the opposite sex.

25 Funny "Never Have I Ever" Questions

Never Have I Ever Questions Funny

With party games you want to keep the energy levels up. And one way you can do that is by keeping everyone laughing.

So, check out these funny "never have I ever" questions. But, keep in mind that hilarity will ensue.

76. Never have I ever cried on the dance floor.

77. Never have I ever danced on top of a bar.

78. Never have I ever made a 3 point shot in basketball.

79. Never have I ever read a blog post before a recipe online.

80. Never have I ever made a hole in one in golf.

81. Never have I ever re-gifted a gift.

82. Never have I ever gone viral on the internet.

83. Never have I ever fallen asleep on the metro.

84. Never have I ever eaten junk food until I was sick.

85. Never have I ever thought about trying a fad diet.

86. Never have I ever danced alone in my house.

87. Never have I ever eaten raw chicken.

88. Never have I ever binged an entire series in a day.

89. Never have I ever 100% completed a video game.

90. Never have I ever eaten a bug.

91. Never have I ever eaten food from the garbage.

92. Never have I ever dined and dashed.

93. Never have I ever had a crush on a cartoon character.

94. Never have I ever called the cops on someone.

95. Never have I ever had the cops called on me.

96. Never have I ever hit on someone via social media.

97. Never have I ever forgotten the birthday of a close family member.

98. Never have I ever thrown up on a roller coaster ride.

99. Never have I ever bet money in a card game.

100. Never have I ever lost my keys after just having them in my hands.

30 "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Teens

Never Have I Ever Questions for Teens

Not all party games can crossover into younger age groups. Well, they do, it's just not always legal or appropriate.

Related Reading: Best Truth or Dare Questions

But this game can easily hold its own with a younger crowd. And we have some of the best clean questions for teens below.

101. Never have I ever kept a secret I've told to no one.

102. Never have I ever fallen asleep at school.

103. Never have I ever seen a ghost.

104. Never have I ever stolen from a friend.

105. Never have I ever done a front flip.

106. Never have I ever been afraid of the dark.

107. Never have I ever drank a gallon of milk.

108. Never have I ever watched anime.

109. Never have I ever vandalized public property.

110. Never have I ever lied to my parents.

111. Never have I ever skipped school.

112. Never have I ever studied abroad.

113. Never have I ever failed a class.

114. Never have I ever had detention.

115. Never have I ever snuck into an R rated movie.

116. Never have I ever been written up at school.

117. Never have I ever broken a bone.

118. Never have I ever pirated music.

119. Never have I ever played video games all night.

120. Never have I ever run away from home.

121. Never have I ever used a fake id.

122. Never have I ever fallen in love.

123. Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.

124. Never have I ever talked crap about my best friend behind their back.

125. Never have I ever pretended to like someone.

126. Never have I ever gotten wasted in a drinking game.

127. Never have I ever had a surprise party thrown for me.

128. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

129. Never have I ever won the "never have I ever" game.

130. Never have I ever played ding dong ditch.

Related Reading: 120 Questions to Ask a Girl

30 "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adult Sensibilities

Never Have I Ever Questions Adult

If you want to crank your party up a little, drinking games are a great place to start. It's a solid way to break the ice, and liven up the party.

But if you don't perform well under pressure, and need some assistance, then we have you covered. Just use some of these adult questions that are sure to kick things up a notch.

131. Never have I ever ran from the police.

132. Never have I ever run a red light.

133. Never have I ever taken psychedelic drugs.

134. Never have I ever let a stranger buy my drinks at a bar.

135. Never have I ever smoked a cigar.

136. Never have I ever had to hire a lawyer.

137. Never have I ever snooped in someone's cabinets and drawers when they weren't home.

138. Never have I ever won the lottery.

139. Never have I ever won a game of beer pong.

140. Never have I ever been to an oxygen bar.

141. Never have I ever been "undecided" in college.

142. Never have I ever failed a background check.

143. Never have I ever been late to work.

144. Never have I ever spent the night in jail.

145. Never have I ever done hard drugs.

146. Never have I ever gotten drunk as soon as I woke up.

147. Never have I ever told a lie to avoid accountability.

148. Never have I ever slept with someone who used a pick up line on me.

149. Never have I ever lied on my resume.

150. Never have I ever called in sick when I wasn't.

151. Never have I ever lied in a game of "never have I ever."

152. Never have I ever left a shopping cart outside of the corral.

153. Never have I ever wrecked a car.

154. Never have I ever been on a bar crawl.

155. Never have I ever seen someone die.

156. Never have I ever been gambling.

157. Never have I ever been robbed.

158. Never have I ever gotten a speeding ticket.

159. Never have I ever been on a zoom call while wearing business clothes on top and pjs on the bottom.

160. Never have I ever participated in a protest.

20 "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Couples

Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples

Just because you're dating someone doesn't mean you know everything about them. But sometimes it can be hard to ask questions outright.

Luckily, playing a game is a fun way to open up to each other. So, next time you have a date night where you stay in for the evening, play a round or two using these questions for couples.

161. Never have I ever asked someone out on a date.

162. Never have I ever been asked out on a date.

163. Never have I ever kissed a stranger.

164. Never have I ever had a one night stand.

165. Never have I ever gone back to an ex.

166. Never have I ever stalked an ex online.

167. Never have I ever stalked an ex's new partner.

168. Never have I ever stood someone up on a date.

169. Never have I ever been dumped over text message.

170. Never have I ever lied to a significant other about hanging out with someone.

171. Never have I ever sent a text that said "hey, you up?"

172. Never have I ever dated someone I didn't actually like.

173. Never have I ever used a dating app.

174. Never have I ever dated someone with a criminal record.

175. Never have I ever gotten lucky with a cheesy pick up line.

176. Never have I ever dated someone much older.

177. Never have I ever dated someone much younger.

178.Never have I ever eaten an entire pint of ice cream in a single sitting to cope with a breakup.

179. Never have I ever said "I love you" by accident.

180.Never have I ever ghosted someone.

How to Play "Never Have I Ever"

How to Play Never Have I Ever

Historically, people have been using drinking games to liven up their parties for millennia. And while "never have I ever" is widely known as a drinking game, alcohol isn't necessary. Although, we do recommend it. However, minus the alcohol, this game is great for any age group.

If you're playing sans booze, instead of taking a sip of your drink whenever you've done something another player hasn't, you put down a finger. Then whoever has the most fingers up at the end is the winner. Of course, if you want to play with fewer fingers go right ahead.

If you're planning to imbibe while you play, keep in mind that this game can get you pretty drunk.

  • First things first, you'll need your drink of choice. We recommend cheap beer, or a relatively weak cocktail. This way you don't end up too sloshed.
  • Then, players take turns going around the room stating things they've never done.
  • And finally, you open a can of worms that cannot be shut. But no need to explain yourself with this game, because you'll rarely be the odd man out.

For a game that centers around stuff people haven't done, you will learn a lot about stuff everyone else has done.

Keep in mind that while you play, you can employ creative strategies to come out on top. For example, do you know that a friend spent a semester abroad? Go ahead and use that to your advantage when you're playing with them.

But beware! Because the more you drink, the more open you might become. If you haven't ever laughed or cried from drunken honesty, have you even really lived?

Related Reading: The Best Mixed Drinks Anyone Can Make

"Never Have I Ever" Endgame

Now that you know how to play, and have some good suggestions to help you out, you'll be ready to play in any situation. Just remember to drink responsibly, and have fun. It is just a game after all. Even with all of the scandalous revelations.

Have you ever played "never have I ever" before? Let us know some of your favorite suggestions for questions below in the comments!