Iseries Java Toolbox Read Afp Printer File

python connect the printer to print documents, images, pdf files, etc.

tags: python  printer  win32print  Print Picture  PIL


python continued to the printer for printing, may vary according to dissimilar needs, a different function modules.

  1. If you simply want to print a document, such every bit office documents, yous can applyShellExecuteMethods for Microsoft office documents, pdf, txt and so helpful, you tin attempt;
  2. If y'all enter some data, text messages, wanted to send it direct to the printer, you can effort to employwin32print
  3. If yous have a picture, yous tin combine the pythonPython Imaging Library(PIL)withwin32uiModule for printing;

Ordinary print


  • First make sure you use your calculator can open up the file y'all want to print;
  • Are some of the standard file types
  • Do not control which printers, and printer model that is contained of the connexion;
  • You lot gear up the impress properties uncontrolled authorisation;
                          import              tempfile              import              win32api              import              win32print  filename              =              tempfile.mktemp              (              ".txt"              )              open              (filename,              "w"              )              .write              (              "This is a test"              )              win32api.ShellExecute              (              0              ,              "print"              ,              filename,              #              # If this is None, the default printer will              # be used anyway.              #              '/d:"%due south"'              %              win32print.GetDefaultPrinter              (              )              ,              "."              ,              0              )                      

Another version

                          import              tempfile              import              win32api              import              win32print  filename              =              tempfile.mktemp              (              ".txt"              )              open              (filename,              "westward"              )              .write              (              "This is a exam"              )              win32api.ShellExecute              (              0              ,              "printto"              ,              filename,              '"%southward"'              %              win32print.GetDefaultPrinter              (              )              ,              "."              ,              0              )                      

Direct print data


  • Throw the printer direct to the information;
  • Quick and easy;
  • And you can choose which printer is defined;
  • However, data to be printed must be printed, for instance, string and the like;
                          import              bone,              sys              import              win32print printer_name              =              win32print.GetDefaultPrinter              (              )              #              # raw_data could as be raw PCL/PS read from              #  some impress-to-file operation              #              if              sys.version_info              >=              (              iii              ,              )              :              raw_data              =              bytes              (              "This is a test"              ,              "utf-viii"              )              else              :              raw_data              =              "This is a test"              hPrinter              =              win32print.OpenPrinter              (printer_name)              try              :              hJob              =              win32print.StartDocPrinter              (hPrinter,              ane              ,              (              "test of raw data"              ,              None              ,              "RAW"              )              )              endeavor              :              win32print.StartPagePrinter              (hPrinter)              win32print.WritePrinter              (hPrinter,              raw_data)              win32print.EndPagePrinter              (hPrinter)              finally              :              win32print.EndDocPrinter              (hPrinter)              finally              :              win32print.ClosePrinter              (hPrinter)                      

Print Picture show

PIL win32ui

Without the use of additional tools, impress a motion-picture show on a windows calculator is quite hard and requires at least 3 unlike and related equipment environment tin.
Fortunately,device-independent bitmap(DIB)withPILIt can help u.s.a. to quickly impress. The post-obit code can exist sent to the printer to impress images as large as possible without losing the size and proportion.

  • You can as well choose which printer
  • Select loaded Picture format
  • Just if you're reckoner is not windows, information technology may not be the best approach;
                          import              win32print              import              win32ui              from              PIL              import              Image,              ImageWin              #              # Constants for GetDeviceCaps              #              #              # HORZRES / VERTRES = printable expanse              #              HORZRES              =              8              VERTRES              =              10              #              # LOGPIXELS = dots per inch              #              LOGPIXELSX              =              88              LOGPIXELSY              =              ninety              #              # PHYSICALWIDTH/Superlative = total area              #              PHYSICALWIDTH              =              110              PHYSICALHEIGHT              =              111              #              # PHYSICALOFFSETX/Y = left / top margin              #              PHYSICALOFFSETX              =              112              PHYSICALOFFSETY              =              113              printer_name              =              win32print.GetDefaultPrinter              (              )              file_name              =              "test.jpg"              #              # You can only write a Device-independent bitmap              #  directly to a Windows device context; therefore              #  we need (for ease) to utilize the Python Imaging              #  Library to manipulate the image.              #              # Create a device context from a named printer              #  and assess the printable size of the paper.              #              hDC              =              win32ui.CreateDC              (              )              hDC.CreatePrinterDC              (printer_name)              printable_area              =              hDC.GetDeviceCaps              (HORZRES)              ,              hDC.GetDeviceCaps              (VERTRES)              printer_size              =              hDC.GetDeviceCaps              (PHYSICALWIDTH)              ,              hDC.GetDeviceCaps              (PHYSICALHEIGHT)              printer_margins              =              hDC.GetDeviceCaps              (PHYSICALOFFSETX)              ,              hDC.GetDeviceCaps              (PHYSICALOFFSETY)              #              # Open the paradigm, rotate it if it'south wider than              #  it is high, and piece of work out how much to multiply              #  each pixel by to go information technology as big as possible on              #  the page without distorting.              #              bmp              =              Paradigm.              open              (file_name)              if              bmp.size[              0              ]              >              bmp.size[              ane              ]              :              bmp              =              bmp.rotate              (              90              )              ratios              =              [              ane.0              *              printable_area[              0              ]              /              bmp.size[              0              ]              ,              one.0              *              printable_area[              i              ]              /              bmp.size[              1              ]              ]              calibration              =              min              (ratios)              #              # Starting time the print job, and draw the bitmap to              #  the printer device at the scaled size.              #              hDC.StartDoc              (file_name)              hDC.StartPage              (              )              dib              =              ImageWin.Dib              (bmp)              scaled_width,              scaled_height              =              [              int              (scale              *              i)              for              i              in              bmp.size]              x1              =              int              (              (printer_size[              0              ]              -              scaled_width)              /              two              )              y1              =              int              (              (printer_size[              1              ]              -              scaled_height)              /              2              )              x2              =              x1              +              scaled_width y2              =              y1              +              scaled_height dib.draw              (hDC.GetHandleOutput              (              )              ,              (x1,              y1,              x2,              y2)              )              hDC.EndPage              (              )              hDC.EndDoc              (              )              hDC.DeleteDC              (              )                      

Above game for two Jun finishing release, delight indicate the source, thank you.


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