Which Statements Are True About a Literature Review? The Literature Review

Which of the post-obit statements is Truthful most review of related...

Which of the following statements is True almost review of related literature in research?

a. Information technology should facilitate identification of problems, gaps that needs to be addressed.

b. Review of related literatures are limited only on the Affiliate 2 of the enquiry paper in

A P A format

c. Review of related literature provides a uncomplicated list of studies done by other


d. It needs to nowadays a specific background of the research related to the trouble

ii. Which of the following e-journals is NOT a reliable online source for review of related

literature and studies?

a. Ebs cohost c. SAGE

b. Gale- Cengage d. Wikipedia

three. Based on the above answer, what is the primary reason why it is Not reliable equally a source

textile for review of related literatures in a enquiry?

a. It can be easily admission and most of the information needed are already bachelor.

b. The website is peer reviewed by research experts.

c. The website contains different viruses and malwares.

d. Information and literatures did not undergo proper validation and peer reviewing.

iv. Which of these is NOT an inclusion criteria when looking for researches to include in the

review of related literatures?

a. Date of Publication c. Publishing journal

b. Results of the study d. Title

v. This is the unauthorized copying and using of data from some other source without the employ of

proper citation?

a. Counterfeiting c. Pl agia rism

b. Knocking d. Piracy

6. Which of these is Not included in ways to forestall pl agia rism?

a. Citing References c. Referencing

b. Pasting d. Quoting

7. Which police force in the Philippines constitutes the proper use of the cyberspace to preclude cybercrime

similar online pla gia rism?

a. RA 10571 c. RA 10175

b. RA 10157 d. RA 10715

viii. Which of these is NOT a software to notice plag iari sm?

a. PlagScan c. Proquest

b. WriteCheck d. Quetext

9. Which of the post-obit is a punishment for plag ia rism or copyright infringement?

a. Penalization of ten-xvi years imprisonment

b. A fine of P50,000 - P150,000

c. Verbal alarm

d. Pause of permit to do inquiry in the Philippines

ten. Information technology is Defined as the exclusive legal correct, given to an originator or an assignee to print,

publish, perform, film, or record literary, creative, or musical material, and to authorize others to

do the same.

a. Copyright c. Patency

b. Veracity d. Reservations

eleven. What are "Greyness Literatures"

a. Refers to research that is either unpublished or has been published in non-

commercial class.

b. Literatures which were published across the prescription year of five-10 years.

c. These are research which were not peer reviewed.

d. Mutual form of grey literatures are magazines and brochures.

12. Applying the knowledge in proper citation, which of the following follows a right in-text

commendation in A P A format?

a. Role-play tin can help children learn techniques for coping with bullying (Kraiser, 2011).

b. (Kraiser, 2011) Role-play can help children acquire techniques for coping with bullying.

c. Role-play can help children learn techniques for coping with bullying (2011, Kraiser).

d. (2011, Kraiser) Role-play tin can help children larn techniques for coping with bullying.

13. Which of the post-obit citations is written in the A P A format?

a. Altmann, Erik M. "No evidence that sleep impecuniousness effects and the vigilance

decrement are functionally equivalent: comment on Veksler and Gunzelmann

(2017)." Cognitive science 42.two (2018): 708-711.

b. Altmann, East. M. (2018). No evidence that sleep deprivation effects and the vigilance

decrement are functionally equivalent: comment on Veksler and Gunzelmann

(2017). Cerebral science, 42(2), 708-711.

c. Altmann, Erik M. "No prove that sleep deprivation furnishings and the vigilance

decrement are functionally equivalent: comment on Veksler and Gunzelmann

(2017)." Cognitive science 42, no. 2 (2018): 708-711.

d. Altmann EM. No show that sleep deprivation furnishings and the vigilance decrement

are functionally equivalent: comment on Veksler and Gunzelmann (2017).

Cognitive scientific discipline. 2018 Mar;42(2):708-11.

14. Which of the following statements is Truthful when writing a review of related literature in


a. Information technology should talk over what kind of piece of work has been not washed on the topic and identifies any

controversies within the field.

b. Summarizes and evaluates the previous state of knowledge in the field.

c. It highlights gaps and indicates how previous research leads to your own enquiry

project and chosen methodology.

d. Information technology should propose any practical applications of the research as well as the implications

and possibilities for previous research.

15. Why do we need to do "Clarivate Analytics" or reconcile with "Scopus Alphabetize" before we

include researches nosotros derived from the internet?

a. To hands search for review of related literatures in the internet.

b. Clarivate analytics is a source of grey literatures which tin be included in the study.

c. By doing this, researches derived from an unknown source are carefully validated if

they are valid and reliable equally related literatures.

d. To easily shop our listing of researches for time to come utilise.

Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Instruction: Follow the step in creating a inquiry paper past answering the post-obit

questions below.

Full general Topic of your Choice (Possible Enquiry Problem): ________________________

ane. What is the paper well-nigh?

2. Who/What practise I want to study?

3. What were the possible results?

Proposed Inquiry Title:


Answer & Explanation

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Source: https://www.coursehero.com/tutors-problems/Creative-Writing/33950421-Which-of-the-following-statements-is-TRUE-about-review-of-related/

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